Our sustainability roadmap

When two identical single-photon waves enter a 50:50 beam splitter, one in each input port, they exit the beam splitter from the same port. This phenomenon is called the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect. In quantum optics, the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect can be used to test the degree of indistinguishability of two single photons.

By 2025, we plan to reduce the energy consumption of our operation by 33% and generate at least 20% of energy in sustainable ways ourselves.♻️🔋 And we will not stop there!
We are working on a sustainability roadmap toward 2030 to reduce our environmental footprint further and maximize our positive impact.
As one of the first steps, last month we installed solar panels on the roof of Single Quantum headquarter building in Delft to offset carbon emission.

There is still a long way to go, we will keep you posted on our sustainable journey!

Harness the power of SNSPDs

To tailor the optimal solution for you, our engineers will assist you, starting from understanding your needs and define the system specifications together with you.

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