📢 Advancing Photon Number Resolving technology!

We are excited to share a recent development in Photon Number Resolving (PNR) capabilities, demonstrated using our NbTiN-based Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs). In our latest study, we showcased detectors capable of distinguishing up to seven photons in the 850–950 nm wavelength range, demonstrating the potential of these devices for advanced applications in quantum computing, quantum communication, and non-Gaussian quantum state preparation.

PNR technology offers a key advantage over traditional single-photon detectors, as it can precisely count the number of photons in a given event rather than merely detecting their presence or absence. This level of precision is critical for the development of more complex quantum systems, where the ability to measure the exact photon count enables better control and manipulation of quantum information.

Using a pulsed laser and our single pixel SNSPDs, we demonstrated a system that can resolve up to 7 photons with the following characteristics:

  • >94% system detection efficiency
  • timing jitter of sub-11 ps for one photon
  • timing jitter of sub-7 ps for 2 photons

This work was carried out by Single Quantum in collaboration with the research group of Prof. Iman Zadeh at TU Delft, and it represents a key step forward in the development of SNSPD technology.

Read the full paper here: High-Performance Photon Number Resolving Detectors

Harness the power of SNSPDs

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