Imaging line

Precision imaging with SNSPD multipixel systems.

Our Imaging Line offers advanced multipixel SNSPDs optimized for high-sensitivity imaging applications.

Designed for photon number resolving, imaging, and long-distance optical communication, our solutions enable precision and performance for cutting-edge research in fields such as quantum microscopy, neuroscience, and astrophysics.

Our detection solution for microscopy

Single Quantum Eos Vision

The best confocal microscope for imaging across VIS, NIR, and SWIR

We understand the challenges of achieving optimal signal-to-noise ratios in the NIR and SWIR spectral ranges. To address this, we have collaborated with PicoQuant to develop an innovative solution that allows you to capture high-quality images with outstanding signal-to-noise for fluorescence signals in these wavelengths.

By combining our detection technology with PicoQuant‘s microscope, we can now offer a fully customized microscope solution tailored to meet your specific research needs.

Eos Vision

FLIM made possible in the NIR and SWIR

Ultra-high timing resolution and high dynamic range

The integration of our SNSPs with PicoQuant‘s confocal imaging system is specifically designed for NIR/SWIR FLIM, delivering exceptional lifetime precision through the ultra-high timing resolution of 15 ps and a high dynamic range. This makes it an ideal solution for FLIM in the NIR and SWIR regions, where lifetimes are often short, allowing you to extract more information from your samples.

Optimized for NIR and SWIR imaging applications

With the Eos Vision x MicroTime system, you can easily image a variety of fluorescent markers, including ICG, quantum dots, nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. The system’s versatile excitation and detection capabilities make it ideal for a wide range of imaging applications, as well as an excellent choice for material science applications, enabling clear visualization of perovskites and single-photon sources.


This microscopy solution can achieve greater imaging depth in biological tissue with NIR/SWIR, leveraging the optical sectioning capabilities unique to confocal microscopy. For life science applications, a sample stage and an incubation chamber are available to meet your experimental needs.

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Do you want to see deeper into biological tissues?

SNSPDs contribute to the pursuit of seeing deeper into biological tissue, where water absorption together with Mie-scattering are the essential limiting factors for microscopy.

There are certain ‘optical windows’ for biological tissue imaging, where microscopy works the best. In the SWIR wavelength range, these regions are located around 1000 nm, 1400 nm, and 1900 nm. Single Quantum SNSPDs prove to be ideal for photon detection in this range, and are the only detector technology that is sensitive enough to cover the range from 1000 to 2000 nm.

Try that out yourself! Shine a green laser and a red laser through your finger and see where you get more light.

Signal-to-background ratio

With our SNSPD technology we provide light detectors with ultra-low dark counts (< 50 CPS) and high detection efficiencies, leading to a superb signal-to-noise ratio for imaging applications. As an example, the image (adapted from Suppl. Info of Ref. 1) shows a confocal microscopy picture of blood vessels in a mouse stomache infused with quantum dots recoreded with an SNSPD in comparison with a photomultiplier tube (PMT).

The SNSPD image is much crisper and shows more contrast due to their excellent sensitivity.

Snspd 1600 × 1200 px
Improved photoluminescence lifetime resolution

Time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) studies the lifetime of luminescent events like fluorescence by analyzing the timing of photon arrivals relative to the excitation source, often using time-tagging electronics. Single Quantum’s SNSPDs, with time resolution on the order of 10 ps, are ideal for these experiments.

Key applications in life sciences include fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy, where superior time resolution enables the study of fast decays beyond the reach of conventional detectors.

Application areas

Scientific Publications

Improve your microscopy experiments?

To tailor the optimal solution for you, our engineers will assist you, starting from understanding your needs and define the system specifications together with you.